Jeenrodharana Khubhbhishekam June 22-26

Jeernodharana Kumbhabhishekam June 22-26, 2016

Hindu Temple Society of the Capital District cordially invites you to participate in the Maha Kumbhabhishekam (Jeernodharana) of 2016.

It is a Hindu custom and belief that temple worship enables our pursuing a path of devotion to attain moksha. The temple is the place for our community to pray for the well being of our community and the world at large. Our temple celebrated the Consecration and Kumbhabhisheka in 1992. As per agama sastras, one celebrates Jeernodharana Kumbhabhisheka every 12 years. This year we are celebrating the Jeernodharana Kumbhabhisheka for the second time. This is our auspicious occasion to rededicate our resolve (Mahasankalpa), and Re-enliven (pranaprathishta) the deities into the murthis (Vigrhaas). This re-sanctifies and re energizes the vigrahas and the temple. During this process lot of havans and pujas are carried out praying for the betterment of the community spiritually and other wise. Following are some of the homas planned to enable the devotees to participate in the homas relating to their family deities and birth stars.

Event Details

Starts At : Wed, June 22, 2016 – 9:00 am
Ends At : Thu, June 30, 2016 – 12:00 pm
Location: Hindu Temple, 450 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville, NY
No Contact available for this Event
Our Sponsors : Sponsors Welcome


Ganapathi Homa
Rudra Homa
Maha Sudarsana Homa
Navagraha Homa
Nakshtra Homa
Naagadevatha Homa
Sri Lakshmi/Sri Durga/Sri Saraswathi Homa
Sri Lakshmi/Kubera Puja
Maha Mrutyunjaya Homa


Overcome obstacles
Getting rid of all negative influences
Success in an undertaking
Appease the Nine planets and limit the evil influences
Appease the birth stars for peace and prosperity
Blessings of Nagadevathas
Blessings of the Universal Mother-Trinity
Wealth and Prosperity
Longevity of life

Program Details:

Please download the detailed event listings by clicking here

Sponsorship Details:

Please click here for sponsorship and pledge form details

For any additional info please call temple Kubhabhishekam Committee (518) 459-7272