Our Facilities and Rental Information
What the Cultural Center Offers
At the Cultural Center, we provide facilities and amenities that support activities of every size and type. Our auditorium, dining area, and class rooms can be rented at a nominal cost. We also have scheduled educational and social activities that are conducted weekly on our premises. The following sections give you an overview of our facilities, policies, and rental guidelines.
There are two ways to reserve facilities at the Cultural Center:
- Submit your request online
- Download the rental form and submit it along with rental fees.
Contact Information:
Trupti Ravel, Cultural Center Manager | (838) 333-8238
HCC Facility Rental Agreement Form
Terms & Conditions Contract
Sound System Policy
- Please provide at least 4 days of advance notice for your rental bookings.
- All forms of phone support for rental related enquiries between 4:00 P.M. EST to 6:00 P.M. EST during week days.
- We accept payments online after HCC Manger reviews your completed application and confirms the availability of the facility.
- Please review the rental policy for rental rates, member discounts and restrictions.
Complete this rental form if you wish to rent the auditorium, kitchen and/or one of the class rooms. Mail in the completed from and a check for the rental fee to confirm your reservation: HCC Facility Rental Agreement Form. If your rental application has been approved by the HCC Manager, you can also pay the rental fee using a credit card by clicking the button below. While entering the credit card information, please make sure to specify the correct billing address as it appears in the records of your credit card company.

The occupancy of the auditorium is not to exceed 550 people.
The auditorium can be used for dance performances, cultural programs, yoga classes, conferences, weddings, receptions, and many other events.
Dining Hall/ Kitchen
The occupancy of the Cultural Center dining hall and kitchen is not to exceed 120 people. The dining hall has a commercial kitchen, which is perfect for cooking meals for a large audience.
This area can be used for birthday parties, cultural programs dining, conferences/dining, wedding dining, reception dining, and other dining events.

Small Classrooms
There are two small classrooms in the cultural center. Each classroom’s occupancy should not exceed 20 people.
These classrooms can be used for dance practices, yoga classes, meetings, and other classes and small gatherings.
Large Classroom
This is the large classroom of the Cultural Center. This room’s occupancy is not to exceed 30 people.
This room contains mirrors on one wall and can be used for dance practice, yoga classes, meetings, and other small gatherings.

Basement Hall
The fully finished basement has a capacity of about 250 people.
It is ideal for large group celebrations or family events.
Dance Studio
This room is located in the basement of the Cultural Center.
Professional grade hardwood flooring measuring 50 X 12 ft. ideal for medium to large sized groups.
* Both Dance and Yoga rooms are adjacent without partition, and both can be used together for programs requiring more space.

Yoga Studio
Our Yoga studio is fully equipped with appropriate props and over 2000 ft. space including 2 classrooms for breakout classes.